Describe your musical style

If someone where to ask me:  Describe your musical style.

My answer would be:  The Chuck Norris of Christian music.

Here’s why.  There are times playing sports that when the game is first started I’m in a haze.  I’m running back and forth and even starting to draw a sweat but I’m still getting my bearings to the speed of a game.




I get hit square in the face.

Ugh, nose crinkles up, tears start to form in my eyes.  My head shakes back and forth as my eyes burrow into the back of my skull and then I open them.



I’m a different player.  I have the Eye of the Tiger!

I don’t know why it takes a sudden jolt in the action of a game to get my juices going but once it does I’m all in.  I’m focused on the task at hand which is winning the game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still in control of my emotions, I’m just game time ready now. That first smack gets me game time ready.

As we get closer to releasing our music I want it to have the same impact on those serving Christ.  Those that are ‘in the game’ yet still finding their bearings.  Those that are not necessarily soft, or out of shape, just not playing at the game time level that is needed to win.

In my mind once you put our tape in the cassette player  wait…that’s not right…ok, once you put our CD in the walkman and…yikes…hold on…talk about out of touch.  Ok, once you press play on your device and our music begins to play it should smack you.  It doesn’t matter if it’s one of our slow ballads, powerful rock anthems or worship music, TJR: should bring it with a POW, BANG, BAM.  That is the standard that is set. You should expect our music to be…

A smack to the kisser that would make Chuck Norris proud.

One that provokes thought of an eternal mindset and awakens your inner eye of the tiger.

A spiritual awakening isn’t going to come unless we the church rise up and play at the game time level.  And yes, I’m talking to you first, Mr. Man in the mirror, I’m talking to me.  I need to be game time ready.  I’m tired of those Christians that have a list of what ‘the church’ needs to change.  Those Christians should redirect that message to themselves for the church isn’t a building, organization, or denomination.

WE are the church.  Ordinary people with the power of God that can do extraordinary things.

TJR: is more than music.  It’s a collaboration of the creative that give back to the gift giver what He has gifted them with.  How you give back your gifting is a style thing, some can do it the way it’s been most recently done in Christian music.  Soft.  Doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Others of us will bring an energy.  An edge that dare I say is like a smack to the mouth that will stop the panic of the weak and get them game time ready.  As Roy Salmond used to say, “give me some of that P&V.”  Oh I will Mr. Salmond, I most definitely will.

The Revolution is coming.




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