It’s a boy!

My oldest son Lukas Matteo Ritchie turns 6 years old tomorrow. I found an old blog I wrote about my experience finding out I would have a son. Hope you enjoy and Happy Birthday Luke! I am your Father. hehehe


It’s a boy written in November 2006

This morning I woke up at the usual time of 5:15am and got ready for work, the shower was a little longer and the effects of a triple shot Americano last night at 10pm wasn’t helping my mood.

Today was trash day so I drug my lazy butt around the house emptying the trash cans – yes boys, it’s the husband’s duty to empty the trash. Once the cans were on the street and the car loaded I was ready to head off to another day at the office.

As I grabbed my wallet I noticed a homemade envelope that said Ritchie Family on it. “Oh no” I thought, “what did we do now.” You see I thought it was from a neighbor that was tired of Elsie barking or me driving too fast down our street.

I began to open the homemade envelope when it hit me. This could be another one of those stupid chain letters from some one that we’ll have to forward on to ten other people or bad luck will happen…PUHLEEZ, I throw those away with glee…no such thing as luck you know. Or maybe it’s an invite from someone, either way the homemade envelope was lame.

As I finally removed the necessary tape from the edges, two slips of paper fell to the desk top. As I picked them up, one piece in each hand, I noticed the paper in my right hand had a ‘slick’ feeling to it. As I turned it over and saw the black I thought to myself, “oh know, this is the ultra sound.” I immediately looked away from the ultra sound to read what was written on the other sheet of paper in my left hand: Congratulations, it’s a boy!

I fell to my knees trying my darndest to hold back tears – didn’t work – then ran up the stairs to tell Lindsay. For those that don’t know my wife, she is NOT A MORNING person, well, she is an I NEED MY SLEEP person. So afternoon naps, mornings, evenings, if she is sleeping, let her be.

Not this time though.

I woke her up by flipping the bedroom lights on and informed her that I thought this homemade envelope was from some neighbor kid and that I opened it. Her first reaction was apologetic, she thought I was mad that I had found it. I told her it was a boy and we both embraced with a kiss, one of us had brushed our teeth, the other, well, not so much.

I headed to the car with a skip in my step and realized how good God is. Not because it’s a boy, but because of the week I had. My week had been exhausting to say the least. The recording wasn’t going as smooth as I thought, I haven’t closed any deals recently, and our Hawaii trip is just around the corner.

Why God is so good is that He knew when and how I should find out that I was having a son. I was dead set against finding out the gender of this child and made it very clear to everyone. I opened that envelope not knowing what I was doing and lo and behold an announcement of a boy fell out gift wrapped from my Heavenly father.

This is the greatest birthday gift I could have asked for…a boy.

I’m having a boy.

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